Java AOP (Using Aspect J)


  • What is and Why AOP? 
  • AOP terminology 
  • AspectJ 
  • Spring AOP (covered in Spring course)

What is & Why AOP?

OOP Design is good but.. 

  • The OOP makes the code design more reusable and compact 
    • But, in some cases, it makes the code scattered in number of modules 
  • Examples 
    • Adding logging in each of class methods makes the logging code scattered in number of methods and classes. 
    • This makes code maintenance and update a tedious work.

Issues that do not get solved by OOP 

  • Code scattering 
    • Same concern spread across modules 
  • Code tangling 
    • Coupling of different concerns

AOP is the solution 

  • Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP) addresses these issues. 
  • Instead of adding the logging code in each of the methods, you delegate the logging functionality (concern) to an AOP container and specify which methods require logging applied. 
  • The container will call the logging aspect of the code when the methods are invoked on the proxy object returned by the Container.

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