Java SE 6 Top 10 Features
The JDK 6 Top 10
- Scripting
- Web Services
- Database (JDBC 4.0, Java DB)
- More Desktop APIs
- Monitoring and Management
- Compiler Access
- Pluggable Annotations
- Desktop Deployment
- Security
- Quality, Compatibility, Stability
1. Scripting
Motivation for Scripting Support
- Provides developers an opportunity to leverage the advantages of different languages in the same application
- Extends scripting languages using the powerful Java technology libraries
- Reuse of code modules in other programming languages
- Produces an environment in which developers and end users can collaborate to create more useful, dynamic applications
- By delivering Java applications that can be customized via scripts by users of the applications
- Scripting for the Java Platform (JSR 223)
- Mechanism for configuring script engines into Java SE
- APIs for mixing script fragments into Java applications
- A JavaScript engine is included in Sun's implementation of Java SE 6
- Mozilla Rhino engine
- Conformant scripting engines
Scripting – Developer Example
// create a ScriptEngineManager
ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
// get an instance of JavaScript script engine
ScriptEngine engine = m.getEngineByName("js");
// evaluate a script
engine.eval("alert(\"Hello World!\")");
Demo: Scripting over Java SE
- Running ScriptPad sample app
- Executing JavaScript code
- Invoking Java methods from JavaScript code
- You can try this yourself
- This sample application comes with JDK 6 as ready to open NetBeans projects
2. Web Services
Web Services Support on Java SE 6 Platform
- Data binding using JAXB 2.0
- Updates to the JAXP, which includes StaX
- Standards supported
- SOAP 1.2
- WS-I Basic Profile 1.1
- XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) and SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- Totally on XML schema
API Support
- Java SE 6 provides support for the JAXWS web services stack.
- For the client side: Service class for creating proxy
- For the server side: Endpoint class for publication
Server-Side Programming Model
- Write a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) implementing the service.
- Add @WebService to it.
- Optionally, inject a WebServiceContext
- Publish the Web service endpoint through Endpoint.publish() method
- WSDL is automatically generated at runtime
- Point your clients at the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), for example:
- http://myserver/myapp/MyService?WSDL.
Publishing Endpoint
- The publish methods can be used to start publishing an endpoint, at which point it starts accepting incoming requests.
- The stop method can be used to stop accepting incoming requests and take the endpoint down
- Publish using the HTTP server embedded in Java SE 6.
- Supports reasonable defaults for threading.
- Creates WSDL and publishes it at runtime:
- http://localhost/calculator?WSDL
Publishing an Endpoint
public class Calculator {
WebServiceContext context;
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a+b;
// Create and publish an endpoint
Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish
Client-side Programming
- Point a tool at the WSDL for the service
- Generate annotated classes and interfaces through a tool
- Call new on the service class.
- Get a proxy using a getxxxPort method.
- Invoke any remote operations.
Example: Java SE-based Client
// Create a Service object
CalculatorService svc = new
// Create a proxy from the Service object
Calculator proxy =
// Invoke a Web service operation
int answer = proxy.add(35, 7);
Demo: Web Services over Java SE
- Build and run EBay Web service and client from JDK 6 samples
- You can try this yourself
- This sample applications come with JDK 6 as ready to open NetBeans projects
3. Database
JDBC 4.0 Support
- Updated the developer APIs (JDBC 4.0 )
- Exception handling improvement
- New subclasses of SQLException
- Exception handling improvement
- Enhanced BLOB/CLOB functionality
- SetClob(), createClob()
- SQLXML Data Type (from SQL 2003)
- XML is a first-class data type – no longer need to use CLOBs to access XML data element
Java DB
- Java DB based on Apache Derby
- JDBC conformant all-Java relational database
- Bundled and pre-configured in JDK
4. Desktop APIs
- AWT improvements
- Tray icon
- Splash screen
- Desktop class
- Dialog Modality enhancements and API
- Text printing
- Swing improvement
- GroupLayout – basis for NetBeans GUI Builder (Matisse)
- JTable sorting and filtering
- SwingWorker
Tray Icon
- Lets you access the system tray in your Java application
- SystemTray
- TrayIcon
- Give you the ability to add graphics, popup menus, and floating tip functionality to the system tray
Tray Icon: Usage
// Construct a TrayIcon
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(image, "Tray Demo",
// Add event listener
// Add the tray icon to the System tray
Splash Screen: Overview
- Before Java SE 6, Java runtime needs to be fully loaded and initialized before a visual image can be displayed
- Allows displaying a splash screen for the application instantly—before the Java runtime software starts!
- GIF, PNG, and JPEG images supported
- Transparency, translucency, and animation supported
- Closed automatically when first top-level window displays
Splash Screen: Usage
- Display from command line
java -splash:image.gif TheApp
- Display from MANIFEST.MF (in a jar file)
Splashscreen-Image: image.gif
- Painting - You can change the image shown after the splash screen is loaded, but before the application starts.
SplashScreen splash =
Graphics2D g = splash.createGraphics();
// your painting code here
Desktop Class
- New class: java.awt.Desktop
- Has an enumeration of actions that may be supported for a file or URI
- Things you can do in your Java apps
- Launch the host system's default browser with a specific Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
- Launch the host system's default email client
- Launch applications to open, edit, or print files associated with those applications.
- Depends on platform capabilities to work:
- Desktop.isDesktopSupported()
Demo: Desktop API
- Build and run sample applications
- Tray icon
- Splash screen
- Desktop class
- You can try this yourself
- atures
Dialog Modality Enhancement
- New modality model is introduced
- This new model allows the developer to scope, or limit, a dialog box's modality blocking, based on the modality type that the developer chooses
- Allows windows and dialog boxes to be truly parentless
- Solves the problem of interacting with JavaHelp in J2SE 1.5 when modal dialog box is on the front
Modality Types
- modeless
- does not block any other window
- document-modal
- blocks input to all top-level windows from the same document
- application-modal
- blocks all windows from the same application
- toolkit-modal
- blocks all windows that run in the same toolkit
New Dialog Modality API
Text Printing
- Easily print a Swing text component:
- Prints the entire contents of the text component
- Does not have to be visible
- javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.print();
- Reformats for printed page
- Optionally displays print dialog and progress box
- Supports optional header/footer
- Will not split lines in half!
Demo: Desktop API
- Build and run sample applications
- Dialog Modality enhancements and API
- Text printing
- JTable sorting and filtering
- Easing multi-threaded applications with Swing
- Makes it easy to offload work to separate threads
- Makes use of concurrency package
- Makes it more generic
- Supports partial results
- Supports PropertyChangeListener
- More information:
javax.swing.GroupLayout Class
- New layout manager to support new Matisse GUI builder
- NetBeans™ IDE ships with Matisse
- Can also use GroupLayout in J2SE 1.5 software using stand-alone library
- More capabilities for relative positioning of components
- Works with horizontal and vertical layout separately
Using GroupLayout Class
JTable Sorting and Filtering
- Add sorting to your JTable with one method call:
- setAutoCreateRowSorter(true)
- Specify your own comparators
- Supports secondary and tertiary sort columns
- Can specify a filter to limit what is shown:
- Regular expression, number, and date implementations provided
Demo: NetBeans GUI Builder
- Build and run ContactEditor GUI
- You can try this yourself
- der/
5. Monitoring & Management
Potential Problems That Can Be Detected
- Memory leaks
- Thread deadlocks
- Dirty references
- Infinite loops
Monitoring and Management
- jps: lists JVM's
- jconsole: can connect to applications that did not start up with the JMX agent
- jmap: takes a detailed 'photograph' of what's going on in memory at any one point in time
- jhat: forensic expert that will help you interpret the result of jmap
- jstack: takes a 'photograph' of all the threads and what they are up to in their own stack frames
Demo: jconsole, jps, jmap, jhat, jstack
- Run a sample Java application
- Use the tools
- Use jps to see process ids of all Java processes
- Use jconsole to connect it
- Use jmap to capture snapshot of heap of a Java process
- Use jhat to interpret it
- Use jstack to thread-dump on a live process
- You can try this
- ols/
Demo: Memory Leak Detection via NetBeans
- Find out exactly where memory leaking code in your Java application is located
- You can try this
- memory/
6. Compiler Access
- Opens up programmatic access to javac for in-process compilation of dynamically generated Java code
- Really aimed at people who create tools for Java development and for frameworks
- JavaServer Pages (JSP) or PHP construction kit engines that need to generate a bunch of classes on demand
- Average developers will benefit indirectly from faster performing tool
- Jasper JSP engine runs JSP TCK 3.5x faster
7. Pluggable Annotations
- JSR 175 of JDK 5 standardized how annotations are declared in Java code but annotation processing details were relegated as an implementation detail
- JSR 269 of JDK 6, Pluggable Annotation Processing API, standardizes annotation processing as well
- The annotation processors act as plug-ins to the compiler, hence "pluggable annotation processing”
- Allow developers to define new annotations...
public void myMethod() {...}
- • ...and APIs to define components that process them...
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
public class ForReviewProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {..}
- ...and integrate them with the Java Compiler
javac -processor ForReviewProcessor
8. Desktop Deployment
- We improved actual performance
- graphics hardware acceleration on Windows
- ...and perceived performance
- true double buffering
- We improved the native look & feels
- Updated Swing Look&Feel Windows/Unix
- LCD text rendering
- We revamped Java Web Start and JRE installations
- no more scary security dialog
Windows Look and Feel Improvements
SwingSet on Vista with 5.0
SwingSet on Vista with 6
9. Security
- We added important new APIs
- XML Digital Signature (XMLDSig) API (JSR 105)
- Smart Card I/O API (JSR 268)
- Improved authentication schemes
- JAAS-based authentication using LDAP
- Native Platform Java GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) integration
10. Quality, Stability, Compatibility
- We are still running the Big App tests
- We now have 80,000+ JCK tests
- We've had good uptake of weekly builds
- We ran a Regression Challenge
10. Performance Improvement
Client Benchmark: SwingMark
Server Benchmark: SPECjbb2000
Why Java SE 6?
Running Apps on Java SE 6
- Applications run faster on the desktop and servers
- New 'Dynamic Attach' diagnostics simplify troubleshooting
- Expanded Solaris DTrace support provides additional value on Solaris
- Improved 'native' look and feel across Solaris, Linux, and Windows
- First Java platform with full support for Windows Vista
Building Apps on Java SE 6
- JavaScript integrated and included with the platform
- Scripting languages framework extends support for Ruby, Python, and other languages
- Complete light-weight platform for web services, right out of the box
- Simplified GUI design and expanded native platform support
- Full JDBC4 implementation providing improved XML support for Databases
- Java DB included with the JDK, a free to use and deploy Java Database
- Full support by NetBeans IDE 5.5, 5.5.1 and 6.0
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