AngularJS: Introduction
- Emergence of Single Page Application (SPA) architecture
- What is and Why AngularJS?
- AngularJS HelloWorld Example
- AngularJS components
- Tools
Emergence of Single Page Application (SPA) Architecture
Web App Architecture Requirements
- High Performance
- High Scalability
- Easy to develop (from developer standpoint)
- Rich user experience (from user standpoint)
- Standards-based
- Vibrant ecosystem
- Multi-device support
- Mobile friendly
Web App Architecture Evolution
- Model 1 MVC (Template based)
- Model 2 MVC (Controller based)
- View is generated by the server per request
- Struts, SpringMVC, Rails
- Component oriented
- View is generated by the server per request
- JSF, Tapestry
- SPA-based Rich client and Thin Server
- View is generated at the client
- Client Model sync'ed with backend data via REST, WebSocket
- JavaScript MVC framework (AngularJS, BackboneJS, etc)
- HTML 5 enabled
SPA-based Rich Client Architecture
- Presentation (view generation) is done at the client
SPA-based Rich Client Architecture
- All presentation handling is done on the client
- Controller handles user interaction
- View is responsible for displaying data
- All conversational state (also known as view or presentation state) is kept on the client
- The server is stateless from the perspective of requests
- HTML5 offline technologies
- The client is responsible for fetching the data from the server and insert it into the presentation and extracting data from the presentation to send to the server
- HTML5 Websocket, XHR2
What is Single-Page App (SPA)?
- Web application that fits in a “single” page
- Example: Gmail, Google Map
- HTML page contains mini-views (HTML fragments) that can be loaded in the background
- No reloading of the page
- Enables natural browser behavior
- Browser history
- Navigation & Bookmarks
- Unified across experiences
- Desktop, Tablets, Mobile phones
- Better deployment and maintenance
Challenges in SPA
- DOM manipulation
- How can we add custom behavior to the DOM elements?
- History tracking and bookmarking
- How can provide natural browser behavior?
- Routing
- How can we support URL-based routing?
- Data binding
- How can we bind data from model to view and vice-versa?
- View loading
- How can we support efficient page loading?
What is and Why AngularJS?
What is AngularJS?
- A structural framework for building SPA apps
- It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly
- Angular's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write
- Angular is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for applications
- HTML is originally designed for displaying static contents - so “impedance mismatch between static documents (HTML) and dynamic application” needs to be addressed
- A complete client side solution
- Works with any server technology
Key Design Points of AngularJS
- Decouple DOM manipulation from app logic
- Dramatically improves the testability of the code
- Regard “app testing” as equal in importance to “app writing”
- Testing difficulty is dramatically affected by the way the code is structured
- Decouple the client side of an app from the server side
- Allows development work to progress in parallel, and allows for reuse of both sides
- Guide developers through the entire journey of building an app
- From designing the UI, through writing the business logic, to testing
- Make common tasks trivial and difficult tasks possible
Why AngularJS?
- No need to register callbacks (event handlers)
- Makes code simpler and easier to understand
- No need to manipulate HTML DOM programmatically
- By declaratively describing how the UI should change as your application state changes, you are freed from writing low-level DOM manipulation code
- No need to marshal data to and from the UI
- AngularJS handles the flow of marshaling data from the server to an internal object to an HTML form
- Allowing users to modify the form, validating the form, displaying validation errors, returning to an internal model, and then back to the server, creates a lot of boilerplate code
- No need to write tons of initialization code just to get started
AngularJS Sweet Spot
- Angular is built with the CRUD application in mind
- CRUD applications represent the majority of web applications
- Angular is not a good fit for applications with intensive and tricky DOM manipulation
- Games and GUI editors belong to this category of applications
- Better to use a library with a lower level of abstraction, such as jQuery for these applications (instead of AugularJS)
AngularJS vs. Other JavaScript MVC frameworks (April 2015)
Apps Built with AngularJS
AngularJS Example
AngularJS Helloworld Example
<div ng-app ng-init="qty=1;cost=2">
Quantity: <input type="number" min="0" ng-model="qty">
Costs: <input type="number" min="0" ng-model="cost">
<!-- Prompt a user to enter two numbers (quantity and cost) and compute total cost. Note there is no javascript code. -->
<b>Total:</b> {{qty * cost | currency}}
AngularJS: Main Components
- Templates
- Expressions
- Directives
- Modules
- Controllers
- Scopes
- Models
- Dependency injection
- Data binding Routing
- Filters
- Forms
- Validations
- Services
- Bootstrapping
AngularJS 3rd-party Modules
Front-end Web Development Tools
- Editors
- WebStorm (commercial)
- Visual Studio Code (free)
- Brackets (free)
- Sublime text (commercial)
- Java IDEs (mostly geared for Backend Java development)
- Eclipse
- NetBeans
- Intellij IDEA
- Generators and Scaffolding
- Yeoman
- Maven: archetype-webapps-module-angularjs
- A modern, open source text editor what understand web design
- Created by Adobe
- Features
- Inline editors
- Live previews
- Preprocessor support
- Plugin-based
- Beautify plugin
- AngularJS support
- AngularJS for Brackets plugin
- AngularJS Code Hints plugin
- Angular Snippets plugin