Java EE Overview
- What is Java EE?
- Evolution of Enterprise Application Development Frameworks
- Why Java EE?
- Java EE Platform Architecture
- How to get started
What is Java EE?
- Open and standard based platform for
- developing, deploying and managing
- n-tier, Web-enabled, server-centric, and component-based enterprise applications
The Java™ Platform
Evolution of Enterprise Application Development Frameworks
- Single tier
- Two tier
- Three tier
- RPC based
- Remote object based
- Three tier (HTML browser and Web server)
- Proprietary application server
- Standard application server
About Enterprise Applications
- Things that make up an enterprise application
- Presentation logic
- Business logic
- Data access logic (and data model)
- System services
- The evolution of enterprise application framework reflects
- How flexibly you want to make changes
- Where the system services are coming from
Single Tier (Mainframe-based)
- Dumb terminals are directly connected to mainframe
- Centralized model (as opposed distributed model)
- Presentation, business logic, and data access are intertwined in one monolithic mainframe application
Single-Tier: Pros & Cons
- Pros:
- No client side management is required
- Data consistency is easy to achieve
- Cons:
- Functionality (presentation, data model, business logic) intertwined, difficult for updates and maintenance and code reuse
- Fat clients talking to back end database
- SQL queries sent, raw data returned
- Presentation,Business logic and Data Model processing logic in client application
- Pro:
- DB product independence (compared to single-tier model)
- Cons:
- Presentation, data model, business logic are intertwined (at client side), difficult for updates and maintenance
- Data Model is “tightly coupled” to every client: If DB Schema changes, all clients break
- Updates have to be deployed to all clients making System maintenance nightmare
- DB connection for every client, thus difficult to scale
- Raw data transferred to client for processing causes high network traffic
Three-Tier (RPC based)
- Thinner client: business & data model separated from presentation
- Business logic and data access logic reside in middle tier server while client handles presentation
- Middle tier server is now required to handle system services
- Concurrency control, threading, transaction, security, persistence, multiplexing, performance, etc.
Three-tier (RPC based): Pros & Cons
- Pro:
- Business logic can change more flexibly than 2-tier model
- Most business logic reside in the middle-tier server
- Cons:
- Complexity is introduced in the middle-tier server
- Client and middle-tier server is more tightlycoupled (than the three-tier object based model)
- Code is not really reusable (compared to object model based)
Three-Tier (Remote Object based)
- Business logic and data model captured in objects
- Business logic and data model are now described in “abstraction” (interface language)
- Object models used: CORBA, RMI, DCOM
- Interface language in CORBA is IDL
- Interface language in RMI is Java interface
Three-tier (Remote Object based): Pros & Cons
- Pro:
- More loosely coupled than RPC model
- Code could be more reusable
- Cons:
- Complexity in the middle-tier still need to be addressed
Three-Tier (Web Server)
- Browser handles presentation logic
- Browser talks Web server via HTTP protocol
- Business logic and data model are handled by “dynamic contents generation” technologies (CGI, Servlet/JSP, ASP)
Three-tier (Web Server based): Pros & Cons
- Pro:
- Ubiquitous client types
- Zero client management
- Support various client devices
- J2ME-enabled cell-phones
- Cons:
- Complexity in the middle-tier still need to be addressed
- Moving from single-tier or two-tier to multitier architecture
- Moving from monolithic model to objectbased application model
- Moving from application-based client to HTML-based client
Single-tier vs. Multi-tier
Monolithic vs. Object-based
Outstanding Issues & Solution
- Complexity at the middle tier server still remains
- Duplicate system services still need to be provided for the majority of enterprise applications
- Concurrency control, Transactions
- Load-balancing, Security
- Resource management, Connection pooling
- How to solve this problem?
- Commonly shared container that handles the above system services
- Proprietary versus Open-standard based
Proprietary Solution
- Use "component and container" model
- Components captures business logic
- Container provides system services
- The contract between components and container is defined in a well-defined but with proprietary manner
- Problem of proprietary solution: Vendor lock-in
- Example: Tuxedo, .NET
Open and Standard Solution
- Use "component and container" model in which container provides system services in a well-defined and as industry standard
- Java EE is that standard that also provides portability of code because it is based on Java technology and standardbased Java programming APIs
Why Java EE?
Platform Value to Developers
- Can use any Java EE implementation for development and deployment
- Use production-quality standard implementation which is free for development/deployment
- Use high-end commercial Java EE products for scalability and fault-tolerance
- Vast amount of Java EE community resources
- Many Java EE related books, articles, tutorials, quality code you can use, best practice guidelines, design patterns etc.
- Can use off-the-shelf 3rd-party business components
Platform Value to Vendors
- Vendors work together on specifications and then compete in implementations
- In the areas of Scalability, Performance, Reliability, Availability, Management and development tools, and so on
- Freedom to innovate while maintaining the portability of applications
- Do not have create/maintain their own proprietary APIs
Platform Value to Business Customers
- Application portability
- Many implementation choices are possible based on various requirements
- Price (free to high-end), scalability (single CPU to clustered model), reliability, performance, tools, and more
- Best of breed of applications and platforms
- Large developer pool
Java EE APIs & Technologies
- Java EE 1.4 APIs and Technologies
- J2SE 1.4 (improved)
- JAX-RPC (new)
- Web Service for Java EE
- Java EE Management
- Java EE Deployment
- JMX 1.1
- JMS 1.1
- JTA 1.0
- Servlet 2.4
- JSP 2.0
- EJB 2.1
- Connector 1.5
- JAXP 1.2
- JavaMail 1.3
- JAF 1.0
Java EE 5
- JAX-WS 2.0 & JSR 181
- Java Persistence
- EJB 3.0
- JAXB 2.0
- JavaSever Faces 1.2 new to Platform
- JSP 2.1 Unification w/ JSF 1.2
- StAX Pull Parser new to Platform
J2EE is an End-to-End Architecture
The Java EE Platform Architecture
Java EE is End-to-End Solution
N-tier Java EE Architecture
Java EE Component & Container Architecture
Java EE Containers & Components
Containers and Components
- Containers do their work invisibly
- No complicated APIs
- They control by interposition
- Containers implement Java EE
- Look the same to components
- Vendors making the containers have great freedom to innovate
Java EE Application Development & Deployment Life Cycle
- Write and compile component code
- Servlet, JSP, EJB
- Write deployment descriptors for components
- From Java EE 5, you can use annotations
- Assemble components into ready-todeployable package
- Deploy the package on a server
Life-cycle Illustration
Java EE Development Roles
- Component provider
- Bean provider
- Application assembler
- Deployer
- Platform provider
- Container provider
- Tools provider
- System administrator
The Deployment Descriptor
- Gives the container instructions on how to manage and control behaviors of the Java EE components
- Transaction
- Security
- Persistence
- Allows declarative customization (as opposed to programming customization)
- XML file
- Enables portability of code
Java EE Application Anatomies
Possible Java EE Application Anatomies
Java EE Application Anatomies
- 4-tier Java EE applications
- HTML client, JSP/Servlets, EJB, JDBC/Connector
- 3-tier Java EE applications
- HTML client, JSP/Servlets, JDBC
- 3-tier Java EE applications
- EJB standalone applications, EJB, JDBC/Connector
- B2B Enterprise applications
- Java EE platform to Java EE platform through the exchange of JMS or XML-based messages
Which One to Use?
- Depends on several factors
- Requirements of applications
- Availability of EJB tier
- Availability of developer resource
How to Get Started
Step1: For Beginners and Intermediate Java EE Programmers
- Follow along with this course
- Start using Java EE IDE of your choice
- Try open source IDE's
- NetBeans IDE (
- Eclipse
Step2: Next Step (For Advanced Java EE Programmers)
- Learn practical open-source solutions
- Spring framework (for light-weight framework)
- Hibernate (for O/R mapping)
- JDO (for transparent persistence)
- Struts, WebWork, Tapestry (for Web-tier frameworks)
- JUnit (for unit testing)
- Log4j (for logging)
- Many more
Summary & Resources
- Java EE is the platform of choice for development and deployment of n-tier, web-based, transactional, componentbased enterprise applications
- Java EE is standard-based architecture
- Java EE is all about community
- Java EE evolves according to the needs of the industry